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Regulations in Advertising

Mr. Venkat handled Federal Advertising for the day.

Just as every other domain on earth is governed by regulated bodies, so is Advertising.

The Industry can by itself have its own set of Regulations. For instance, avoiding profanity could be one for an agency/client that respects to uphold ethical values. This is what they typically call as Self-Regulation.

There is another form of Regulation which is formally governed by an external body such as the Advertising Standards Council of India & Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. This is typically an Industry Regulation.

Regulation is needed to prevent deceptive ads and as well encourage educative Ads.

To check a few controversial advertisements that can probably come under the purview of regulation – google for these information :

1) The Pak Airmarshall’s photo published by mistake as part of an Ad that reiterated against female feticide.

2) The recent map that placed Kolkata in West Bengal & Delhi in Pakistan.

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